Lain's Log

The VOICES in my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 7/12.

Tonight's the big night at Jason Deline's Find Your Voice class - 7 p.m. All six students have to come up with five different character voices and show them off in the recording studio! I'm freaking! This is not what I do best, (even though I SO WANT to)!

All I hear is voices in my head! STOPPPPPP! GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!! You think I was crazed BEFORE this class, what with cancer, Intensity Entity, etc.? You should see me NOW! Ai Carumba! (STOP that Bart!)

Hope Jason doesn't yell at us tonight! (just kidding Jason. We know you NEVER do that!!!)

All I can hear right now is Marilyn Monroe in Some Like it Hot! ("Good night Honey!")

Jerry Lewis in The Nutty Professor! ("I have to admit, it WAS a toe-tapper!")

Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched! ("Abner! Come quick! She's doing it again!")

Among other voices I'm working on. Oh to be a fabulous mimic. What a skill that would be.

Hey Meryle, Diana, Suli, Brittney, Chris (and Jason)....see you tonight! (gulp)
Break a leg everybody!

Meanwhile, half way around the world, heard from my husband, Sam, during his whirlwind, two-day business trip to Panama! (Lucky for him, he's been missing-in-action during all the ridiculous voices and me speaking-in-tongues - or whatever it is, all over the place and "acting"? more out there than ever!) A lot going on around here and plenty to occupy my time in Toronto, while he did-it-up-big-time in Panama. (see you tonight after the voice session!)

Here's Sam visiting the Panama Canal! (wonder if he'll come home with a tropical tan, (not a chance), -  or any traditional Panamanian products? - Woodcarvings? a ceremonial mask? pottery? - Hmmmmmmm.  Doubtful. More likely, a bottle of duty-free vodka! (Fine with ME!) Not that I drink it at home. (prefer sparkling Henkell). But if I did, - shaken, not stirred please, (and ICE COLD).

A look at his very pretty hotel. He wouldn't tell me much about his "secret mission", only that it was a success! (I think he's leading a double life I don't know about!?) - "Just call me Bond. - Sam Bond".

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