Lain's Log

Call me Florence Nightingale!!

October 12/11.

No sooner did I celebrate Kevio's parole from Bridgepoint rehab (after 50 days), on Thanksgiving,

when I instantly found myself back in yet another hospital! I should just have a standing reservation! (complete with Henkell bubbly of course!)

This visit is not for me, but another patient, who shall remain nameless at the moment. Hopefully, recovery will be swift and smooth. But it sure has been a roller coast ride over the past 24 hours. Spent part of today picking up prescriptions and running hither & thither for wild and crazy reasons. Wouldn't you know, I wrote a Facebook status saying I have nothing but mundane tasks to do, and I'm missing the usual high highs, so could someone send a little soap opera adventure my way? (didn't know anyone was listening and would oblige my request so thoroughly and quickly!) Egad.
Here we go again!!
I really would like to spend a day without doctors and hospitals. (not that I don't appreciate the hard working medical staffers)! but gimme a break here! (hmmmmmmm, maybe I shouldn't ask for that either!!)

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